Multi-currency account for companies
Receive international payments from all over the world with your own multi-currency account.
With our multi-currency account, you can receive 22 different currencies from all over the world. In addition, every ValutaPartners customer can also be paid locally in the United States, United Kingdom, and the EU.

What is a multi-currency account?
Bent u op zoek naar een manier om betaald te worden in verschillende valuta’s, zonder daarvoor aparte en dure valutarekeningen te moeten openen bij uw bank? Dan is de multi-valutarekening van ValutaPartners dé oplossing voor u. Met behulp van het razendsnelle SWIFT-netwerk kunt u vanuit de hele wereld betaald worden in maar liefst 22 verschillende valuta’s. En het mooie is: u kunt deze valuta’s eenvoudig omwisselen naar euro’s en deze vervolgens overmaken naar uw eigen euro-rekening bij uw eigen bank.
But that's not all: you can also choose to convert to another currency and transfer it anywhere in the world. This makes ValutaPartners' multi-currency account not only very convenient, but also very flexible. You can choose which currency you want to receive and in which currency you want to pay out.
How does it work?
Als klant van ValutaPartners krijgt u een uniek IBAN-nummer met bijbehorende BIC/SWIFT-code. Deze IBAN staat op uw eigen naam en hierop kunnen maar liefst 22 verschillende valuta’s ontvangen worden. U kunt deze accountgegevens vervolgens doorgeven aan uw klanten die u willen betalen. Maar wat als u liever betaald wordt via lokale betaalmogelijkheden? Ook dat is mogelijk bij ValutaPartners. In de Verenigde Staten krijgt u van ons een eigen accountnummer en routingnummer, in het Verenigd Koninkrijk een accountnummer en sorting code en in de eurozone een eigen IBAN-nummer. Hierdoor kunt u altijd snel en gemakkelijk wisselen tussen accounts en razendsnel geld overmaken naar begunstigden in binnen- of buitenland.
Overview of currencies
Below you will find all 22 currencies that you can receive in your multi-currency account. The Euro, US Dollar, and British Pound can also be received locally through Sepa, ACH or Fedwire, and Faster Payments, respectively.
Payment via: SWIFT/AusPayNet
Maximum payment: no limit/no limit
Delivery time frame: 1 day/1day
Cutoff time frame: 15:00u
Payment via: SWIFT/EFT
Maximum payment: no limit/CAD 100k
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 15:30u
Payment via: SWIFT/CERTIS
Maximum payment: no limit/CZK 1m
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 10:00u
Payment via: SWIFT/Intradagclearing
Maximum payment: no limit/no limit
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 11:30u
Payment via: SWIFT/SEPA
Maximum payment: no limit/no limit
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 day
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 15:30u
Payment via: SWIFT/CHATS
Maximum payment: no limit/HKD 500k
Delivery time frame: 1 day/1 day
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 15:00u
Payment via: SWIFT/Giro Zrt
Maximum payment: no limit/HUF 10m
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 10:00u
Payment via: SWIFT
Maximum payment: no limit
Delivery time frame: 1 day
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 15:00u
Payment via: SWIFT/SPEI
Maximum payment: no limit/no limit
Delivery time frame: 0 days/1 day
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 9:00u
Payment via: SWIFT
Maximum payment: no limit
Delivery time frame: 1 day
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 16:00u
Payment via: SWIFT/NICS
Maximum payment: no limit/NOK 25m
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 11:30u
Payment via: SWIFT/Elixir
Maximum payment: no limit/PLN 1m
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 10:30u
Payment via: SWIFT/TransFonD
Maximum payment: no limit/RON 200k
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 10:00u
Payment via: SWIFT
Maximum payment: no limit
Delivery time frame: 0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 14:00u
Payment via: SWIFT/FAST
Maximum payment: no limit/SGD 200k
Delivery time frame: 1 day/1 day
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 16:00u
Payment via: SWIFT
Maximum payment: no limit
Delivery time frame: 0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 11:30u
Payment via: SWIFT/Internal Transfers
Maximum payment: no limit/no limit
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 11:30u
Payment via: SWIFT
Maximum payment: no limit
Delivery time frame: 0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 11:30u
Payment via: SWIFT
Maximum payment: no limit
Delivery time frame: 0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 9:30u
Payment via: SWIFT/Faster Payments
Maximum payment: no limit/GBP 1m
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 15:30u
Payment via: SWIFT
Maximum payment: no limit
Delivery time frame: 1 day
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 15:00u
Payment via: SWIFT/ACH
Maximum payment: no limit/USD 1m
Delivery time frame: 0 days/0 days
Cutoff time SWIFT (CET Time): 15:30u
We take our regulatory responsibilities very seriously. In accordance with our anti-money laundering policy and sanctions screening, we cannot receive money from or transfer money to the following countries, although this may be subject to change: Belarus, Crimea, Cuba, Donetsk region, Iran, Kherson region, Libya, Luhansk region, Myanmar, North Korea, Russia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Zaporizhzhia region.